Research, Advocacy and Policy Influencing
Issues of governance, tax and accountability can be technical, complex and may seem to be disconnected from the day-to-day challenges faced by Kenyans. These have presented issues of how National and County government funds are being utilized and their impact on the two levels of governments. The programme’s focus area aims to strengthen NTA’s outreach work in the areas of policy influencing by use of both bottom-up and top-down advocacy approaches. This has been achieved through partnerships and the use of different media platforms and fora attended.

The strategic programme focus area aims to:
- Improving participation of citizens in public affairs;
- Increasing awareness, access and use of public information; and.
- Applying technology and innovation value drivers to disseminate public information to users.
A number of specific objectives have been identified to achieve these goals. The strategies required in this strategic program focus area include: Promoting collaboration, networks, partnerships with National Government and County Governments and integration amongst broadcasting TV stations, Radio FM stations in all vernacular languages; Expanding use of the social media including: website, twitter, facebook, and coordinating office newsletter;
- Developing communication strategy;
- Incorporating and implementing a communication plan for NTA and all stakeholders;
- Developing a framework for disseminating and accessing of public information; and,
- Improving user friendliness of the public information and dissemination systems
The strategic objectives for this strategic programme focus area are to:
- Building a Knowledge Centre in East African Community (EAC) that will generate and provide accurate, relevant, reliable and suitable information on tax matters;
- Establishing knowledge nodes to facilitate performance of public services, information dissemination, information exchange, and networking;
- Establishing collaboration with research institutes, universities both local and international that will undertake research on tax regimes; and,
- Establishing knowledge incubation hubs in counties for business, vocational training, and exchange programmes.
Specific strategies to pursue these strategic objectives include:
- Developing partnerships with international research institutes on tax regimes;
- Developing partnerships with National Government and County Governments, Development Partners and private sector;
- Establishing networks for learning, information exchange, knowledge sharing, and development of talents; and,
- Enhancing partnership development with County Governments.